We will plant 1 tree for every cocktail sold for participating accounts this Earth Month (up to 100,000 trees).
Are you an account hoping to sign up to make a giant impact?
Please join the cause!

We’ve partnered with Trees for the Future since 2020. We planted a tree for every bottle sold and have planted over 1.6+ million trees to date. This Earth Month for participating bars we’ll be planting 100 trees for every six bottles!

1 Cocktail = 1 Tree
This Earth Month (April 2025) we’re on a mission to plant 100,000 trees, and we need your help. By featuring a Redwood Empire Whiskey cocktail your account supports this month-long sustainable cause at no cost to you. You sell a cocktail, and we’ll plant and contribute fully on your behalf.
We’ll also promote you as a participant and drive traffic to your bar/restaurant to help out, not to mention some fun marketing materials to activate on-site.
Since different cocktails use different amounts of whiskey, we decided to make it easy and calculate that every 6-pk of Redwood Empire counts as 100 trees. That 16.66 trees per bottle. Let’s make a difference together!
It’s easy to sign up! Once signed up your account gets included on an interactive map for consumers and included in our internal case tracking system.
1.) Sign up yourself at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDuyieeM_Wo9OGtwjWWRhzZxZ7Ltr0oDbQ8rlbXY4tgRZVIw/viewform
2.) Reach out to us at contact@redwoodempirewhiskey.com and send us your details. We’ll gladly include you.
3.) Reach out to your local Redwood Empire to lock in your cocktail feature and they can sign you up.
On social media we’ll do special city-specific and state-specific posts that celebrate participating accounts and drive traffic to you. Please send us images of your cocktails and bartenders at work! We’d love to feature them. contact@redwoodempirewhiskey.com
On our backend we’ll be tracking case depletions so we know how many trees each account has sold. We’ll feature and award the top accounts at the end of the month!
Nothing! Registration is free, but your bar or restaurant must carry at least one Redwood Empire Whiskey product.
On social media we’ll do special city-specific and state-specific posts that celebrate participating accounts and drive traffic to you. Please send us images of your cocktails and bartenders at work so we can feature them! contact@redwoodempirewhiskey.com
If you are planning an event, please send us the event information and we can promote it on social media.
At the end of the month, we’ll award and celebrate the accounts that planted the most trees via social media and blog posts.
The map isn’t updated instantly, we will have weekly map updates as we collect our new sign-ups. Hang tight – you’ll be sure to be fully activated by April 1st!
You don’t have to do any counting whatsoever (unless you really want to!) – we’ll study how many cases were sold in for this program and tally 100 trees per 6-pack sold in. Our top accounts will be recognized and awarded!
Any Redwood Empire cocktail counts. We have made a few cocktail suggestions (our favorites), but we’d like to give our partners full freedom to develop whatever delicious creation they would like.
We’d love to see your cocktails and to share them on social media! Send photos and videos to us at contact@redwoodempirewhiskey.com
Reach out to us at contact@redwoodempirewhiskey.com and we’ll gladly help.